Together for Parikrama
Parikrama for Harmony
Harmony for Peace

The Common Holy Sanctuary -
A holy site of prayer for all Faiths


Proposed Structure of the
Common Holy Sanctuary
by Ugyen Sherab
Monk Krishna Man

At this age of troubled times the world is experiencing man made disaster and nature made disaster besides the ongoing religious conflict and insurgency movements in many parts of the world.

Such disturbances have confounded serious and prolonged peace keeping efforts. Naturally Peace becomes difficult to exist and it affects the progressive field works of political, social and economic area.

It is believed that peace can be achieved when the humanity accepts the principle of "One Earth - One People" and harmony among different faiths is possible when people of different background move towards the Common Holy Sanctuary, being united with all.

Religious Harmony will spring up through the spiritual practice of Parikrama (walking meditation) around the Common Holy Sanctuary.

When devotees of all faiths pay attention to this spiritual practice, there is a heaven of Peace and Freedom with an environment of Religious harmony. In this heavenly zone people can live with the quality of generosity and compassion which flows from those who sacrificed personal gain and pleasure for others.

Ugyen Sherab Monk Krishna Man is of the view that the simple act of Parikrama or Kora (In Tibetan Term) around the Holy Sanctuary is conducive to reflection and spiritual growth. Parikrama practice is common to certain religions of the world and consistent with the culture of all faiths. The objective of all the religions is to cultivate Peace and achieve the well-being of all humanity. Be it resolved religion is a force for good in the world.