Together for Parikrama
Parikrama for Harmony
Harmony for Peace
  Goodwill Messages

Good will messages are offered to Ugyen Sherab Monk Krishna Man who performed Interfaith Peace walk in the United States to promote his vision of the Common Holy Sanctuary.

September 28, 2003
Rev. Krishna Man:

I am delighted to learn that you will be leading a month-long Bucks Country Interfaith Peace walk starting September 28, 2003. I congratulate you for the lofty initiative you have undertaken, and appreciate you for your readiness to take personal pain to promote peace, understanding and harmony among this major faiths on the planet.

I wish Peace Walk success.

Murari Raj Sharma
Ambassador/Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Nepal
To the United Nations
820 East Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017

5th October 2003

In these troubled times when the world is experiencing rampant violence, and terrorism, humanity needs prayers and action for peace and non-violence.

The message of the Peace Walk, highlighting solidarity among peoples of different religions and faiths, embracing diversity, awakening the true human spirits of sharing and caring is a noble one.

I commend all the activists who are joining this Peace Walk, and I offer my humble gratitude to the Rev. Monk Krishna Man who has brought this message of universal peace from Nepal, our common home land and the birth place of the Prince of Peace, Lord Gautam Buddha.

Kul C. Gautam
Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF, NY

18th Oct. 2003

In times of conflict and violence, like the present one, it is easy to fall prey to despair and to become very pessimistic about the world we live in. What is not easy is to stand up and do something about it. Thanks be to God that, here and there, clear voices of hope are heard proclaiming the gospel of Peace and Brotherhood. Monk Krishna Man is one of those voices. I consider it a privilege to know him and to give my support to his vision for a Peace Sanctuary. Such a place will be an oasis where people of different religious backgrounds may be refreshed by coming together to learn about and from each other. May his vision become reality.

Dr. Federico Serra-Lima
Trinity Episcopal Church, Ashland, NY

20th October 2003

How wonderful it is to know that a Buddhist Monk like you from Nepal, the very birthplace of Lord Buddha, has taken the lead in this noble endeavor. I deeply admire your blissful mission. The Interfaith Sanctuary that you plan to erect as a meeting place for all the world's major faiths, I am sure, will stand as a beacon of peace, compassion and tolerance for every single individual member of the global human society.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to all your enthusiastic supporters in this admirable mission.

Rudra K. Nepal
Deputy Chief of Mission
Royal Nepalese Embassy
2131 Leroy Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008

4th August 2009

According to Monk Krishna Man, he has led a series of Shanti Pad Yatra Interfaith Peace Walk in Nepal and in America with Japanese, Hindu, Muslim, Jews, and Native Americans and has also established tax exempt non profit organization 'Interfaith Peace Circle' in Nepal in order to achieve goal of the common holy sanctuary project. Monk Krishna Man is planning to make a replica of the common sanctuary to be offered to any interested museum as gift from Nepal.

I appreciate the initiative taken by Monk Krishna Man in promoting interfaith religious harmony thereby contributing to peace in the World.

I wish success in his mission.

Kali P. Pokhrel
Charge d' Affaires
Embassy of Nepal
Washington D.C.

27th July 2009

I admire your idea of having the symbols of various world religions engraved in stones and placed in a sanctuary with a circular path for walking meditation to help create harmony, unity and compassion among peoples of different faiths spontaneously increasing mutual respect among different faiths and flourishing peace in the earth.

Given the fact that you have a distinguished services as a venerable Buddhist monk, who has led a series of interfaith peace walks in Nepal and abroad. I think you are well placed to coordinate such common monument depicting the religious symbols of major religions of the world consistent with the culture of all the faiths based on humanistic ideal of tolerance and universal fraternity.

I wish you all the best in this noble endeavor and wish you all the success.

Madhu Raman Acharya
Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of Nepal
To the United Nations, NY