Together for Parikrama
Parikrama for Harmony
Harmony for Peace
  Myth and Architecture

Proposed structure of the Common Holy Sanctuary includes the symbols of the world’s major religions and the circular path around the perimeter of the sanctuary.

Humanity as universally acclaimed is like a beautiful rainbow of various human races with distinctive traditions and faiths, Similarly the Common Holy Sanctuary filled with the different symbols looks like a beautiful garland where each flower (Symbol) is beautiful and unique but together as a garland, the flowers (symbols) are even more beautiful.

In case of reality the Sanctuary is to be located near the natural surroundings with greenery scene in the adjacent area of the Sanctuary. Temporary retreat facilities will be made available withen the area of the Sanctuary.

Currently Monk Krishna Man has plan to offer a replica (The Common Holy Sanctuary) made of Marble stone for display to any Museum or Public Park Garden interested.