Together for Parikrama
Parikrama for Harmony
Harmony for Peace
A Brief Introduction of Ugyen Sherab Monk Krishna Man

Family Background and Education

Born in Kathmandu and educated in Allahabad, India, Monk Krishna Man is a retired librarian of the American Library based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Monk Krishna Man is the eldest son of Compounder Chandra Man Sainju who was a medical assistant to the late King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev., known as the Father of the Nation. Chandra Man was one of the Political Sufferers during the autocratic rule of Rana regime.

Ugyen Sherab is the religious name given after Krishna Man Manandhar, entered into monkhood in 1947.

Monk Krishna Man
Work Experiences

After retirement from the Library Service, Monk Krishna Man worked as consultant in UNFPA and UNICEF library Kathmandu for some years.


Library Science Book in Nepalese Vernacular Sponsored by The Text Book Curriculum Center, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. "Peace Pilgrimage Nepal America" Books on Gaine (Street Singer) and Muktinath Temple are in process.

International Awards

Honored with "The Distinguished Service Award" by Friends of Nepal, New Jersey (A Nepalese Association in USA.) for promoting Nepalese Art.

"Ambassador For Peace" award offered in Kathmandu by Inter-Religious and International Federation for World Peace and by Universal Peace Federation in Washington DC, USA for contributing efforts on Inter Religious Harmony through the Interfaith Peace Walk.

Awarded First Prize in an International Essay Contest sponsored by the Relyukai - A Layman's Japanese Buddhist Organisation. The prize was one month free trip to Japan. An observation tour to USA was also arranged by US Embassy, Kathmandu in honor of prize.

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